- 325 State St, Alfred, NY 14802 Campus Map
Powell Campus Center
- Academic
- Administration
- Dining
- Theater
One of the finest centers for academic and social activities of its kind, Powell features a cafeteria-style dining room with panoramic hillside views, a state-of-the-art surround-sound movie theater/forum, the Prunty-Russo Media Lab, an "open air" food court, a night club, the Student Experience Suite, student organization offices, a multi-cultural center, meeting rooms, a formal Alumni Lounge, the University bookstore, the Center for Advising, the Public Safety Office and a TV lounge.
Statistics and History
- Constructed: 1994
- In Honor of: Arthur & Lea Powell
- Offices:
- Center for Student Involvement
- Fiat Lux Student Newspaper
- WALF FM Student Radio Station
- In this building:
- Knight Club
- Public Safety Office
- Center for Advising
- Prunty-Russo Media Lab
- Nevins Theater
- Campus Bookstore
- Mailroom
- Dining Hall
About this Facility
The Arthur and Lea Powell Campus Center is a gift from alumnus Arthur Powell, '43, '95 (H), and his wife, Lea, '95 (H). The 60,000 square foot building, designed for students, faculty, and the community, opened in the spring of 1994. Check out the activities in the Powell Campus Center and elsewhere on campus this semester.